Your host at Zambian Horseback Safaris is Doug Evans who will be your guide through the story of the Simalaha, the land, the people, its cultural history and relevance to sustainable community and wildlife development.

Doug is a horseman and a conservationist who has been exploring, observing and championing wild places in Zambia for over 40 years. 

On a horse since the age of two, and involved with breeding, schooling, trail riding and training Zambia’s National Polocrosse team, Doug’s dream of leading horse-lovers on multi-day rides in a remote wilderness has come true in the Simalaha Wildlife Conservancy. Doug has worked in conservation, eco-tourism and with horses all his life, which has included training horses to work in wildlife areas for anti-poaching patrol work. Some people say Doug is a ‘horse whisperer.’ He doesn’t agree but he does have a deep connection with horses. He treats his horses calmly and with respect. In return they trust him.

Murray Evans is the Master Farrier who takes care of all our horses’ hooves. He also happens to be Doug’s son! We are grateful for Murrays’ ongoing support and extra hands when required during our horseback safaris. We’re a family-run operation and family is at the heart of our story in Africa. We are fortunate to spend our days working together, surrounded by a team of individuals who share our vision.